Privacy policy

The owner and manager of the data processing of the site is New Light 2000 srl, via Achille Grandi 5/7 25040 Nigoline di Corte Franca (BS) – VAT number 03180980173 For all third party services over which we do not have direct control instead, refer to their privacy management policies that you find linked in the various sections of this privacy policy. If there is something you did not understand or you want to ask us to delete your data or in general for anything, write an email to we will reply as soon as possible.

What information we collect when you use the site and which not: Google Analytics and traffic data analysis

Like all those who have a site and use it to sell or promote something, we are interested in knowing who visits the site, what they look at and where it comes from. This thing in technical terms is called “traffic data analysis” and to do it we use Google Analytics – here the information on privacy and protection of personal data.

What information we collect

Google Analytics has a lot of very advanced features that allow you to know a lot of things about who visits a site. We only use it to know the essential things: who visits the site – language, location, device, browser and operating system – what they watch – classic traffic data: page views, average time, ranking of the most viewed pages, etc. – and where does it come from – so-called referrals: if you come from Facebook, Google, the newsletter and so on. All the information that Google Analytics collects comes to us anonymously. This means that we do not know your name, where you live, what is your email address, which pages you have seen, how long you have been on the site and where you have come from but only that tot people in a certain period of time have arrived on the site. site, there have been a while, have seen certain pages and so on.

Which ones are not

Instead we do not use Google Analytics to collect information to be used for advertising, so in our Google Analytics account all the functions that are used to advertise on the internet are disabled. Another thing we do not use is a feature called User ID, which in practice allows you to track who uses the benches site when they change devices: first computer, then phone, then tablet and so on.

Where is this information

The information that Google Analytics collects is on Google Analytics and nowhere else. This means that Google keeps the information and that we do not make copies stored elsewhere, neither on our computers nor printed on our desks. When we want to look at traffic data we go to Google Analytics and look at it from there.

Who has access to this information

Right now the people who have access to our Google Analytics account are our company. No one else has access to this account and the information it contains, and we do not share this information in any way with anyone else or any other service.

How to block Google Analytics

If you do not want Google Analytics to tell us these things about you, you can use this extension made available by Google: it is available for all major browsers. If you want you can also look at the information that Google makes available on the privacy and data protection of Google Analytics.

The mailing list

The mailing list is one of our favorite communication, sharing and sales tools. To manage it we use MailChimp – here is their privacy policy. Now let’s see in detail what information we collect, where we keep it, who we share it with and how we use it.

How we collect this information

To show the registration forms and collect this information we use a WordPress plugin that sends your name, your surname, your email address to our address.

What we send you

When you subscribe to our mailing list we send you some information about our products. Not more than twice a month.

How to change or delete this information

If, on the other hand, you want to modify or delete the data stored on our servers, write an email to, we will do it for you.

Would you like to know more?

If there is something you did not understand, write an email to, we will reply as soon as possible. This privacy policy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution – Share Alike 4.0 International license. It means you can use it in whole or in part – even on commercial sites like this one – if you allow it to be shared in the same way as well.